133 Polish Your Writing

133 Polish Your Writing: Professional Practices in Communication

Make your case in writing
133 Polish Your Writing: Professional Practices in Communication

An advanced class designed for anyone who wants to improve their ability to communicate important issues in writing … to Boards, employees, media, the community. County officials often communicate through written documents. This course will discuss different types of written work (including policy memos, decision memos, and informational writing), tips for communicating clearly in writing, and approaches to making complex topics digestible for lay audiences. We will also discuss when and how to use visuals to enhance the understanding of your written work. Writing is a process of creating a record for someone else and this course will assist you in identifying your audience(s) and writing with them in mind. The course will include samples of writing, opportunities to assess your own writing, and experience editing the work of others.

Instructor: Dr. Mary Kirlin is a consultant with local governments and a former public policy professor at Sacramento State University.

Friday, February 8, 2019, 10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Sacramento w $149/person for counties w 3 credits w Staff/Elected Officials

2/8/2019 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Sacramento Masonic Temple 1123 J St., Sacramento 95814
Online registration not available.

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